Umphrey’s McGee is a genre-defying American jam band, comprised of 6 members and longtime friends, Brendan Bayliss (guitar and vocals), Jake Cinninger (guitar and vocals), Joel Cummins (keyboards, piano, and vocals), Andy Farag (percussion), Kris Myers (drums and vocals), and Ryan Stasik (bass). (more...)
Umphrey’s McGee is a genre-defying American jam band, comprised of 6 members and longtime friends, Brendan Bayliss (guitar and vocals), Jake Cinninger (guitar and vocals), Joel Cummins (keyboards, piano, and vocals), Andy Farag (percussion), Kris Myers (drums and vocals), and Ryan Stasik (bass). Their music blend the lines between rock, funk, metal and beyond. The band released their 11th full-length album in 2018, and continue to tour the world, playing at at renowned festivals and venues.